Sunday, August 31, 2014

fiVe - sAuCy

A nice piece of artwork on the HP sauce bottle, spotted today. Very reminiscent of the work by that quintessential British artist of the early 20th Century, Brian Cook

Saturday, August 30, 2014

dAy fOur - dIamOnds R 4eVeR

Today's image is about getting back into the groove. My old blog but is it art? was all about odd images captured with my handy cell phone. In keeping with this ethos here's today's diamond shot:

Now obviously it is not a diamond, but the effect is still quite interesting nonetheless. This was, in fact a glass brick at the High School with light shining through the back of it through another glass brick.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Day 3 - odD modEs oF coNveyAnCe

Out at Sam's Club this morning I was mildly surprised to return to my car and find an old Cadillac hearse parked alongside. Thankfully no deceased inside, but rather a spare tire. Now, is this just a cheap mode of transport or is the owner making some kind of point?
Either way, I loved the side lights on the vehicle - very "Addams Family"

Thursday, August 28, 2014

daY 2 - uRbAn aRt?

I must admit I am a sucker for architecture and finding what I think of as art in urban objects.
While in Philadelphia today I fired off a couple of interesting contrasting examples below. The first are geometric drain holes that have been included in a metal street covers on 41st Street. The manufacturer could have just used a plain grille, but instead someone designed these rather nice overlapping circles for a much more aesthetic effect, that still retains its functionality.

The other item that caught my eye were the classic lines of this glass building on Chestnut Street. I am often looking out for reflections of the sky, traffic, people and even other buildings in the face of otherwise dull office blocks and similar featureless construction. In this case though the building already showed a nice architectural shape and lines.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

dAy 1 - By wAy oF eXplaNatiOn.

Several years ago, when living in England, I started my first blog, buT iS iT aRT? in an attempt to relieve the somewhat mundane daily grind of a commute to and 8 hour working day in Stevenage. At the time I was using the power of the Nokia mobile phone, newly equipped with a camera. Those were heady days,  a few years ahead of the iPhone and subsequent camera phone explosion, when Scandinavian companies Nokia, Ericson, and the US giant Motorola dominated the market. After a short while I moved location and I guess the drive to keep up the blog waned as other activities became more significant. Well, now it has been about 3000 days since I last posted on my old blog and I think it's about time to start it back up again.
This time I will try to keep going for 3000 more days, hopefully along the same lines of adding cellphone images of everyday objects or situations that ask the same question... buT iS iT aRT?


Today's image is probably a little contrived but, in keeping with the original spirit is taken from my desk at work:

My point is that art can be seen anywhere, or not. For example,  just looking at the continuous curves on this spiral bound textbook could be taken as an artistic comment on the unbroken course one life leads through the pages of humanity as a whole. Our own perception of humanity is all being held together by our own passage through time... a solipsistic viewpoint perhaps, eh?